
Saturday, 18 August 2012


Believe it or not, we all have psychic abilities. Most people have this ability lying dormant or asleep, if you will, inside of them. It is sort of like a person who picks up a pencil and finds out that they have a natural talent for drawing. The talent was always there. It just takes the right tools to bring it out. Psychic meditation is just the toll to use to help people to get in touch with their supernatural side.

Most all of us have had those moments where we have a hunch of something that might be going to happen or you experience deja vu, where you have that feeling that you were at a certain place or have done that thing before, even though you haven’t. These uncanny predications and clear sudden insight can sometimes make a person feel in awe and a bit bewildered, but the reality of it all is that everyone has this perfectly natural ability. Just like any other talent that one may have, they can perfect it with the right training. Training such as psychic meditation.

Psychics have many tools and methods that they can use to help fine tune their extrasensory skills and master their talents. Perhaps one of the most popular methods used is meditation as it helps them to enlightened state of mind so they can tap into the intuitive awareness. Some psychics may use a crystal ball, some may read tea leaves, runes, or tarot cards and some might even read palms. No matter what tools they use to help them with their psychic reading, using a form of meditation will allow them to use these tools to the best of their ability.

By using a focused meditation, one can get into the frame of mind that is the most receptive to their intuitive side. Meditation will quiet down the outside noises of your conscious and will aid in centering your mind. This filtering of the noises of your conscious will allows your subconscious mind to stay in tune with the surrounding environment, while letting the subconscious speaks it thoughts. Many have called this state of mind an altered consciousness or a heightened state of awareness. There is sort of detached awareness as the attention is taken inward. If you want to develop your knowledge, enabling you to enter into this heightened state of mind, then you will want to incorporate meditation into your daily regimen.

If you are unfamiliar with methods of meditation, then you may want to check with local groups or read up on the different options you have to choose from. Psychic meditation will help you obtain spiritual wellness as it takes deep you into thought and deliberation. This is definitely a great tool to help you get in touch with your inner powers.

Guided Meditation for Psychic Awareness

Before you begin, take a minute to think about your life completely, what efforts your thought processes, what worries you, what makes you happy, what has made you who you are today. Are you satisfied with your life? What changes would you want to bring into it?

I want you to try to keep all dialogical thoughts about the various parts of your life out of your actual meditation. I am going to show you how to read your future but this may take a couple of practices before it really sets in and in that, you must begin the meditation. It will center you and give you the ability to discern a situation both objectively and subjectively.

We are always worrying about ourselves, in this meditation exercise you will remove your "self", that is, all of the things that make up You, so that you can allow your mind, your essence that is connected to everything to communicate with the Universe. Removing your "self" is extremely important because doing so gives you the advantage of an unbiased answer to your question.

Think of this in terms of radio waves. You want to tune into one specific frequency (the everything that allows you to become psychically aware) but there is all this white noise (your own life situations, your thoughts, your plans, etc) coming in on the edges of what you are picking up. In order to hearthe message clearly, you need to turn the dial of the radio to tune into the one specific station you would like to hear. This station is both nothing and everything but for today, it is not at all one specific thing. You want to remove all terms and definitions from your view and then learn to pick up on the messages you want to hear.

Keep your eyes open. After your minute of reflection on moments of your life (mentioned on the 1st paragraph), find a comfortable place to sit, preferably a comfy chair for good back support in a dimly lit room. Make sure that your buttock is as far into the chair as necessarily comfortable and that your back is aligned perfectly with the chair`s back. Light a candle and put on some low mood music. It can be any kind of music but preferably without lyrics. This will help you learn sound focussing in order to remove specific thoughts from your mind. If you are not sure what and which music to choose, sample music is provided below, and please note that I do not own any of these music:

For this meditation exercise, you just want to pick up on whatever comes to you. Anything at all can come in through the emptiness and you should not worry whether or not the message has anything to do with you or the situations surrounding you and your life.

Breathe in as calmly and slowly as possible while focusing on the sound of the air moving in and then out of your lungs. As you listen to the air flowing through you start to empty your mind of all thoughts and your body of tension. Watch as the thoughts pertaining to your name, your gender, your school, your job, your powers, your abilities, or anything else from your life dissipates. Do not think of your situation. Visualize an open empty and bright space with the potential for anything to fill in.

Continue to breath slowly in and out for about five minutes until you find that you are fully relaxed and thinking of nothing, at all.

When you are completely relaxed, as you are looking into your room without paying attention to the objects throughout it, start to visualize your inner spirit, your will but not your "self", expanding and contracting outside of your entire being. Experience this expansion for a little while without words or thoughts. If you have reached the trance state, it should start to effect the way that your eyes perceive the space around you. It should literally feel and look like it is your essence is expanding, you who is for the moment connected to all that is.

At this point, the space that you are in is where you find your answers. Don`t start grasping for the answers at all, don`t think about your situation or the person you are. You are the one with everything and thus equal to all people and all living creatures on the planet. Instead, let answers come to you - they can be anything at all, people`s names, dates, a visual scene, so on and so forth. Don`t worry if you don`t receive messages that are associated with you. What you should do, is accept the messages.

For this first step exercise you only want to pick up the first things that come to your mind, you do not want your life and your own thoughts getting in the way of receiving true insight about any one thing.

If you decide to get used to this exercise and try it again, then would be the time to learn how to exist subjectively and objectively within the moment.

But for now, just let anything come to you, try to remember what you are seeing/hearing/experiencing while still remembering that you are as everything else is, expanding and contracting. There is no you, in fact there is nothing that really exists, only the everything that the Universe has created. This experience should last more than fifteen minutes and closer to half an hour. You may start to get bored or uncomfortable and thought may pertaining to your life and will try to get in the way of your connection with the Universe. Persevere through the interruptions and maintain your connection by keeping your "self" out of your mind. Never consider your name or any other aspects that make you who you are. One thing you must remember throughout your life, you must give if only you want to receive, that is the rule of life.

When you are done in the trance state take a pen and paper and write down to the best of your knowledge, and everything that you remember. Do not think about anything when you write, you don`t care whether what you write is logical, does it has a connection to your life, is it good or bad. What you need to do, is record your experiences in the meditation exercise onto the piece of paper. Pour everything out when you write.

From there, you can analyze the meanings. For me, it`s usually a specific situation that has occurred or is going to occur, for most it can be day dreams or can come in the form of vivid metaphorical imagery that is a symbolic of the situation that is being shown to you. Remember, it can be about anything and anyone.


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