
Sunday, 19 August 2012



A psychic vampire is a term used to describe a living person who "drains" others emotionally either empathically (draining the auric life force) or metaphorically (someone who takes emotionally without giving anything back; a "user"). Psychic vampires are represented in the occult beliefs of various cultures and in fiction. These so-called "vampires" are not to be confused with the blood-sucking vampires of folklore and movies. Every person has unknowingly drained someone else's energy at one time or another. There is no medical recognition or scientific consensus supporting this claim.

Generally, there are 2 types of psychic vampires, intentional vampires and unintentional vampires.

Intentional vampires usually make a conscious choice to become one because they know that their energy levels are not normal for one reason or another. They feel drained and sick if they do not feed from the energy around them. Most intentional psychic vampires have a code of ethics that they live by, and do not drain the un-willing person. But if they do have to feed from someone that is not aware, they only drain extremely small amounts so they do not make the other person feel sick and/or drained themselves. They will continue to drain small amounts from other people until their energy levels feel normal.

Intentional psychic vampires also love to frequent high-energy places to feed off of the energy in the environment. (High-energy places are dance clubs, shopping centers, sporting events, etc) This way, they do not need to feed from an individual because there is more than enough energy in the air around them. Intentional psychic vampires actually serve us well in these types of situations because they get rid of the excess energy that could potentially cause chaos. They are the safest type to encounter, honestly.

Unintentional psychic vampires have no idea that they are such. These types are usually chronically sick, depressed or elderly. They do not have enough life force energy within themselves to feel well, so they drain it from whoever is around them…all without realizing it. To give an example, has there ever been a time that you were with a person who was extremely depressed, only to leave their presence feeling drained, yet they felt better? If so, this person was an unintentional psychic vampire who drained your energy.

Unintentional psychic vamps are the more dangerous type to be around since they have no control over the amount of energy they drain. (They don’t know that they are doing it, so how could they control it?) If you do ever encounter this type, visualize a field of energy protection around your body (like a shield or a bubble) and affirm to yourself that you will not allow this person to drain you. This will help protect your own energy.


Step 1: Know Them
Before you try to protect yourself from psychic vampires, you must know and understand them first, such as how they usually behave, their common characteristics and so on. Well, if you read the previous part of this post (What is a Psychic Vampire?), I am sure you now have plenty of knowledge about psychic vampires. But there is more about them. You don`t want to give them any chance of stealing energy from you so you need to know them better and deeper. 

Intentional psychic vampires are manipulative people who seek to take all they can from others without giving in return. When pressed, they rarely give away information in any detail and refuse to build up much of a picture of their own lives but live under an aura of mystery and aloofness. They may claim to be able to do fantastical things like being able to live forever, able to move things with thoughts and will, or put out fires with thought and many more.They are often arrogant, angry and love to control people. They will also try to befriend leaders or powerful people in order to use these people as part of their manipulative influence. They will often insist that they are right, will not listen to anybody else and will argue theirs to eternity. It is not wise to argue with an intentional psychic vampire. Well, unless you want to get into real trouble.

Unintentional psychic vampires are people who managed to drain your energy through constant questioning and seeking ideas from you without really contribute anything. They are often disorganized people who might be really lovely to know and incredible intelligent but who never manage to sort out their own life and expect your help to achieve this all the time. Detecting an unintentional psychic vamp is very much harder than identifying an intentional one. Who knows? Maybe the one who keeps asking for your help is a dangerous unconscious psychic vamp who is always ready to steal your energy, or just a lazy, highly dependent human?

There is one more thing you have to know. Both types of psychic vampires tend to see the world negatively and often bring forth complaints as conversation starters so that they can start to drain your energy and draw your positive reactions and solutions to them. Most psychic vampires,  intentional or unintentional are mostly strategists and have higher intelligent than most people.

Step 2: Know Yourself
People most prone to being drained of energy by others are people whose own boundaries are weak or ill-defined, and who tend to be people pleasers, unwilling to say "no" and afraid of ever being seen to let down anyone else. If you are one of these people, and often feel that you run low on energy, it is most likely that a psychic vampire has drained your energy. But before you start to blame people around you for stealing your energy, please understand your own health condition first as all the symptoms of getting drained by a psychic vampire may be some kind of health problem:

  • Get yourself checked out by a doctor. You might have ME, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, poor nutrition or any other underlying medical condition that needs treatment. 
  • Talk to a counselor or therapist if you have problems with your emotions, feelings and interactions with other people.
  • Improve your fitness and immune system. If your physical strength and immune system are under par, you will naturally feel more vulnerable to a lot of life`s vicissitudes, and this can leave you open to people who prey on weaknesses. Eat healthily, exercise regularly and maintain your overall health

But after you have make sure that the cause of your problem (always running low on energy) is not your health problem, then you have to find the right way to stop the psychic vampire, whoever it was from draining your energy. The most powerful word is "no". Instead of allowing yourself to remain a doormat or a people pleaser, learn to say "no" when you are not able to fulfill a request or demand, or simply not interested in doing what the other person wants you to do. Don`t be afraid that you might hurt him or her. Always remember that you are the master of your life, you control your own life and no one is going to command you to do whatever they want you to do. It is your body, your life, your decision!

  • If your assertiveness skills are lacking, a psychic vampire will seek you out. Improve the skills by reading up on how to be more assertive or seeing a counselor to guide you if needed. Here is an article which I think may help you to improve your assertiveness skills.

  • Avoid people who drain your energy. Work out which person leave you feeling washed out and used up. If you can`t do that and you are concerned by them, avoid answering their questions or probing. In refusing to provide much information, they will soon pass on to someone else.
  • Be polite to psychic vampires who are in positions of authority, such as a boss or community leader. Be evasive about giving them information you are not willing to provide and only do what is required of you in your role. If at work, try to work away from a person like this as much as possible. Never tell them what to do but stand up for your own methods by telling them you respect their approach but find yours works too.
  • Be particularly vigilant with people who know the effect they are having because these people are the most dangerous type of psychic vampire. They are cunning, manipulative, devious and power-hungry. Such a person won`t hesitate to use you for their own ends and to discard you when you work out what`s going on. However, rather than fearing such a situation, you owe it to yourself to not to be gullible or blindsided by such a person; always stay alert to any signs of a person trying to control you by wearing you down and listening to your gut feeling about not wanting to follow through on anything such a person suggests.
  • Seek professional help from skilled people in dealing with psychic vampires. There are healing arts practitioners who claim to be skilled at helping others to deal with psychic vampires effectively.

Step 3: Believe only the Right Thing!
 Believe that anyone do not have the right to manipulate and "use" you anyway they want. You have to know your rights and stop living for other people. Keep thinking and believing this all the time and you will destroy the link between you and the psychic vampire.

Step 4: Shield Yourself

  • Wear colours of protection. Purple is the colour associated with psychic protection. Wear a purple piece of clothing, or jewelry to ward off the psychic vibes.
  • Build a psychic wall of protection around yourself, or a bubble of light. Seek to have their negativity and draining bounce off this wall whenever you are interacting with them. Read books and articles on how to develop or build psychic protection. Here I provide you a link to a website that I think is very useful for you to learn to build psychic protection.
  • Give this person a humorous warning that you are up to their tricks - a rope of garlic, a small wooden stake, etc. Add a card with a quirky message like "Quit draining me". While you`re being funny, the other person will probably be offended by this, so expect to be burning a bridge between the two of you, psychic vampires rarely have a sense of humor.

There are many different ways to protect yourself from these psychic vampires who drain your energy. But certainly, there is also a way to make you into one of them. You need not die a physical death. You just need to have a very strong desire to outlive others. You need to tell your own body and soul and everything in you that you WANT to live longer than the mortals around you. And you just need one thing to achieve this dream - energy

Here is a warning. If you are one of the people who just wants to have some fun turning into a psychic vampire, you need to read this very carefully and attentively. This thing about becoming a psychic vampire is about matter of your life. Once you have become one of them, you are NOT your old self, a mortal anymore. You will then depend on energy to survive so think carefully and do not take this thing as some kind of joke because this really works.

Sources of Energy
There are many sources of energy. It is recommended that the beginner, especially those without a proper teacher, feed from people who seem invigorated or "hyper". They are the easiest victims for they radiate energy, open season of the hungry vampire. After more practice, one can feed off anyone. It is not advisable that one tries to feed off an ill person, extremely depressed person or suicidal person because they could only give off negative energy that would hurt you, and could also kill the victim! That is not what the psychic vampire is set out to do. The vampire is feeling on energy merely to sustain its needs of survival.

How to Meditate and Direct Energy
Before feeding energy off another person, you must be capable of meditating easily or freely. Here is a short lesson on how to meditate. (If you would like to meditate for your psychic awareness, here is a post about guided meditation for psychic awareness)

To begin meditation, one must sit relaxed. Find a comfortable place to sit, preferably a comfy chair for good back support in a dimly lit room. Slowly relax from the top of your head to the bottom of your toes. Relax every muscle in your body. Relax your mind and completely empty it. Don`t think about your life, your situation, your dreams, your troubles. For now just think about nothing and yet be aware of everything. When this is correctly accomplished no outside disturbances will affect you, yet you will sense the slightest activity. Now, feel every nerve in your body. be aware of each and every one. Feel your own energy travelling through you, out of you, around you, and then back into you. Feel the energy pulsate in you. Once you are able to do this comfortably, any time, any where, you are ready for the next step.

Now to feed. You should now be able to meditate and draw energy through you. The only difference is that instead of directing your energy, you have to will someone else`s. To do that, feel around. Find someone who has an abundance of energy. Once you have picked out your victim, concentrate on them. If you must look at them, then do so. If not, picture them on your mind. Imagine their energy coming out of them and entering you. You may feel the life force coming from them become too weak. In that case, stop it. You do not want to leave them overly exhausted or to be noticed. If you do not feel satisfied you may need to feed off another person. As you get more practice, you will be able to do this from a distance and even over the phone!

After you have successfully become a psychic vampire. Remember one thing, never give away information about your new "identity" to anyone and anyone means including your parents, siblings, close friends, enemies and everyone. An intentional psychic vampire never reveal the truth about themselves. Don`t try to show yourself off to the others, you may get into real trouble.


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